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The Warm Place ('The Hub') (1 Peter 4:9)


We have re-branded The Coffee Stop! It is now called 'The Hub' and it has been opened up with the café area being utilised as a warm place to serve hot food and tea/coffee to those who are struggling with the spiralling energy costs. At no cost to the individual, couple or family, we serve a hot meal, soup, a curry or stew and a roll with hot beverages once a week as a means of serving any member of the community in need of a warm place to stop and a hot meal to satisfy their hunger. We are open every Friday between 12.00-2.00pm. 


The men of the church try to meet for a breakfast once a month to share fellowship and food and banter in an informal setting. Brothers, sons and friends are invited to join in the monthly gathering. A short word is offered by one of the group, which is brought to encourage discussion and questions. As part of our commitment to our Christian ethics, we aim to use, as much as possible, locally sourced produce, RSPCA assured meat, local free range eggs and fair trade teas and coffee. Please feel free to drop us a line if you would like to join us!

Men's Breakfast: (Psalm 55:14)

Ladies Brunch:
(1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Once a fortnight, on a Wednesday, the ladies of the church meet for a shared meal or soup and coffee with cake. The ladies are encouraged to bring sisters, daughters or friends to enjoy good food and to encourage each other. If you would like to come along, please feel free to contact us by phone or Email and we will give you the date of the next brunch. 

Buttermilk Croissant

Prayer Group/Walk: (Matthew 18:20)

Every Wednesday at 10.30am, the church is opened for a prayer meeting. Anyone can come along to pray, or to be prayed for. It is an opportunity to pray for the individual, community, nation and any other prayer request to be laid at the Lord's feet.

We also meet weekly for a prayer walk, praying for the community. 


Home Groups/
Bible Study: 

(2 Timothy 3:16)

There is a Bible study held each Thursday where we gather to read, consider and discuss the Word of God. The study is around a book or subject decided within the meeting. How often we have seen the Lord move as we have sought Him over the concerns of our lives and those of others.  It is amazing to look back and see His faithfulness as He has changed lives or touched a sick member or changed some circumstance.

Home groups are also a place where friendships are formed and the gifts and talents of each one of the group are discovered and encouraged.

Friday evening 'Prayer & Praise'

(1 Corinthians 14:15)

We want to see revival, and we want to be part of that revival! Once a month, on a Friday between 7.00pm and 9.00pm (ish!), we hold an informal prayer and praise evening. We are a small church with a big heart, but with limited musicians, so we use a media player to screen lyrics and enjoy a selection of contemporary chorus and traditional hymns in reverence to our Jesus. It is open to those who want to spend time praising and worshipping the Lord.

Keep an eye on the notices page to find out when the next Prayer & Praise event is to take place. All welcome.

Senior Citizens: (Leviticus 19:30)

Our Senior Citizens 'afternoon tea'

(or coffee of course!) has been postponed until Spring.


Outreach: (Matt: 28:18-20)

We are very pleased to support ministries both nationally and internationally


  • Avail is a small charity organisation working with asylum seekers and refugee's and providing pastoral support for churches, training and practical advice. We also sponsor children and support Avail's child sponsorship scheme, 'Forget Me Not.'


  • Shirley Renwick heads up an organisation working with asylum seekers and refugees from various countries including Sri Lanka, Uganda and Iran. If you would like more information on her ministry, please contact us and we can forward her details to you. 


  • Misión Adulam is a small Bolivian based organisation  offering help to addicted children, teenagers and young people in three homes.


  • Lampeter Food Bank was set up as a place for the people in the local community who struggle financially, with a view to helping with their everyday provisions.


  • Tearfund is an international Christian charity that partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries, tackling poverty through sustainable development, responding to disasters, and challenging injustice. 


  • Open Doors ministry is to raise awareness and encourage prayer for the worldwide persecuted Church. They also help persecuted believers by advocating on their behalf, providing legal support, seeking positive policy changes, and campaigning in Southern Africa.


Art Club:
(Genesis 1.31)

Our art club meets every other Thursday morning between 10.00am-12.00am. Until recently it has been led by the creative ex-art tutor Kate Dennerly, who has sadly had to step down due to ill health. At this point in time, each member does his or her own thing and we help each other as we are able. Any budding Picasso's are welcome to join with us and develop their skills in a warm, friendly environment.


Please feel free to browse our small but increasing gallery of paintings and photo's, by clicking on the 'Gallery' link.

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Christmas Carol Service

The Hub are hosting a Christmas carol service with a difference!
The event will be an evening with a meal provided, carols and entertainment for all the family.
Saturday 14th December @ 6.00-7.30pm
Tickets: £5.00

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